3D zebra crossing proves more effective!!!

3D zebra crossings prove road safety is not black and white

Three-dimensional zebra crossings painted on busy roads in Handan city of Hebei Province have proven effective in slowing down traffic, according to local police.

The two crossings, colored yellow, blue and white, are flat and can be driven over just like regular road markings, but from a distance they appear to be obstacles blocking the street.

Since the crossings were introduced a month ago, the number of car accidents around where they are sited has gone down significantly, said Lu Kai, a police officer with responsibility for the area. With cars slowing down for the crossings, pedestrians can also cross the road more easily, reducing congestion on the pavements, Lu said.

The 3D zebra lines are now in an experimental phase, and whether they will be introduced elsewhere depends on their lasting effect and feedback from locals. Handan transportation officials will report to the Hebei Provincial Department of Transportation, so officials there can assess the potential for the crossings nationally or even internationally.


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