Amazing story! Father narrates how his premature child drew him closer to God

Amazing story! Father narrates how his premature child drew him closer to God

September 10, 2016 2:38 PM — Linda Ikeji

Nigerian Facebook user, David Osaghae, shared the amazing testimony of how his premature daughter drew him closer to God. He wrote; 

This was the beginning of a new me, the process of change, redemption ,salvation or simply put , Getting closer to God. My daughter was born on the 3rd of March 2002 . 5 months and 2 weeks of pregnancy. She was premature. I had just finished my overnight or 2nd job as a bouncer in a club in Germany. She weighed 790grams, not even 1kg. 

On seeing her tiny structure inside the incubator , I cried like I never cried before. I asked God , why , why me ? After crying out my heart , I realized only a miracle could save her . She is the reason till today , why my faith in God is so strong . I laid my hands over her and prayed. I did not know what to pray about , but I prayed my pains onto God and begged God not to allow my sins / punishment for my numerous transgressions be passed unto my little girl. I made a vow to God . 3 days later I went and paid the vow to my Church to be passed unto the poor and needy . My Pastor prayed with me. I prayed that my daughter would leave that Hospital without complications hence the vow/ deal with God . My daughter is 14+ years old now , straight A student , speaks 3 international languages already , and she left that Hospital without complications what else can I say . My pain as I saw it then was actually God's way of drawing me closer to come to know him and have faith in him to prepare me for the movement that was to come . This was the day that the destiny of Judo Movement was redirected from waywardness back to the narrow path of Christ #tbt #Godisgood #judomovement

This post first appeared on Linda Ikeji's Blog. Read the original story here.

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